Sunday, March 8, 2015

50th Anniversary of The March on Selma

Yesterday I was able to travel to Selma and watch a documentary on Bloody Sunday and it was very enlightening.

I understand now why the generation before us frowns on this generation when we some of us say, "Why should I vote? I can't make a difference." Our ancestors were disrespected, tortured, jailed and killed for us to have the freedoms we have and we take advantage of it. 

The scenes I saw from what is known today as 'Bloody Sunday' made me tear up. Racism has not completely disappeared, but it is nowhere near what it used to be. To see the first black president of the United States, along with his family march across the Edmund Pettus Bridge was phenomenal. I can only imagine what Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. would say to this sight...

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