Wednesday, April 15, 2015

Stephanee Pinkney

HeadshotI had the pleasure of interviewing the beautiful Mrs. Stephanee Pinkney of 2 Half 2 Whole Magazine. This magazine was founded in 2014 and was motivated to be written by the increasing rate of divorces. The mission of the magazine is to provide couples with practical tools and resources to build a healthy marriage. "Through personal testimonials, licensed therapist, and Christian values, 2H2W will provoke couples to forgive more, love harder, and laugh often."


There are thousands of magazines out there so you are in a very competitive market, but I noticed most magazines are targeted for teens, senior citizens, gardeners, African Americans (JET/Ebony), hair enthusiast, etc. What made you decide to want to design a magazine structured for and about married couples?

Well Ive been married for almost 7 years and I noticed there wasn’t really anything out there that gave realistic and honest perceptions of what marriage is and how to navigate through it successfully.  Most magazines give relationship advice but none really give real life accounts of marriage, the ups and downs and how to be a better person and a better husband/wife.

What advice would you give to anyone wanting to start a magazine or get into entrepreneurship period?

My advice is to do internships with people that are in the industry you are seeking to be in.  Never be afraid to learn. Always be a student. We never have all the right answers so be willing to learn from others. Do your research! Research is important. Learn your market and the industry you are wanting to enter.  Study your competition and what will make you stand out from you competition.  Always way out the pros and cons. Be prepared to invest in your vision. If you aren’t willing to invest all you have in your vision you can’t expect someone else to do the same.  Be prepared to hear more no’s than yes. It’s a touch world out here and people don’t care about what you are trying to do. Have tough skin and know if this is something you really want to do, then don’t give up

You had a piece for the singles in your most recent publication, would you recommend that singles read your magazine to get tips for how to prepare for marriage?

Yes! That is the purpose of having a singles section in the magazine.  What better way to prepare someone for something they desire than to have people who are in it to explain the ups and downs.  It gives singles the upper hand that some of us married folks didn’t have coming into marriage. 

4) What is your definition of love?

1 Corinthians 13:4-7 (NIV)4 Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. 5 It does not dishonor others, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. 6 Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. 7 It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres.This is true love.

5) Would you say you’re a Christian based magazine? If so, how do you make it appeal to those who aren’t Christians or who don’t believe what you believe religiously?

2Half2Whole Magazine is a Christian magazine because of our foundation is Christian beliefs as it pertains to marriage. But at the same time, anyone can pick up the magazine and receive relevant information pertaining to life; rather it be finances, finding your purpose, recipes and more. Our goal with the magazine is for people to see Christ in every message we give.  Being a Christian isn’t all about telling people you are a Christian. It’s about being that example and that light so people see Christ in you. That’s what 2Half2Whole is about.

**We gave the opportunities for 2 subscribers to ask Mrs. Pinkney a question as well**

“What would your advice be for a single man like me?  I got married when he was 17 and was married for 41 years before my wife died.  Now I’m a good looking man and I just started to date again but I’ve never gotten a second date from any of the women I’ve taken out. They all say I’m not over my wife. Am I doing something wrong? Doesn’t me dating show that I’m trying to move on? 

If you are receiving the message from everyone that you are not over your wife then you probably aren’t.  Just because you are dating doesn’t mean that you are over her.  It’s like someone who is insecure.  They can seem self-centered and vein about their looks but other characteristics they portray, such as how they treat themselves and how they allow others to treat them, will show that they are insecure and it will turn people off. My suggestion is that you do a self-evaluation. Evaluate the statements of the women you have dated and really ask yourself if you are really ready to date. 

How did you meet your husband and how long have you been married? 

I met my husband in high school and we have been married for 7 years in November.

"Stephanee’s vision for 2Half2Whole is to counter the negative representation that the media portrays of marriage both in society and in Christianity. Stephanee believes that the restoration of marriage is deeply rooted in the covenant that one has with God first and then family. She is on a personal mission to take marriages back by creating a movement—from half to whole."

*Can people still subscribe? If so, where at?

Yes! They can go to and subscribe at any time!

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