Wednesday, April 1, 2015

Verdict reached in Atlanta Public Schools' Cheating Trial

According to WSB-TV Atlanta, a jury, after deliberating for nearly eight days, has reached guilty verdicts in 11 of 12 defendants  in the Atlanta Public Schools cheating trial.

Deputies take an educator into custody after a jury issued guilty verdicts
Deputies take Michael Pitts into custody after a jury issued guilty verdicts.

Originally 35 were indicted but more than half took plea deals while 12 decided to take their case to trial. After almost two years, Atlanta prosecutors were able to gather enough evidence to go after the 12 educators accused of manipulating and changing student test scores.

On September 29, 2014, National Public Radio (NPR) reported Nathan Governor Deal saying, "We found cheating in 44 of the 56 schools we examined. There were 38 principals of those 56 schools found to be responsible for or directly involved in the cheating."

Dessa Curb, a teacher at Dobbs Elementary, was found
Dessa Curb was the only educator acquitted of all charges against her
Fulton County prosecutor Fani Willis told jurors that the chances of the number of wrong to right erasures on the 2009 CRCT in Atlanta Public Schools was one in a quadrillion and called it a vast conspiracy.

Here is the video of Judge Jerry Baxter making is ruling after hearing the jury's verdict.

Click here to see the names, schools, and charges that each educator got.

1 comment:

  1. I watched the verdict on TV, the judge had no mercy for these defendants. They were escorted to jail right from the courtroom.
