Thursday, May 21, 2015

Mom Graduates in Son's Place After Fatal Post-Prom Crash

Via NBC Washington:

In her late son’s cap and gown, Katherine Jackson sat among graduating students at Thornton Fractional North High School Wednesday.

“[My son] knows his mom never walked the stage,” she said. “I’m going to be his legs and he’s going to be my wings and we’re going to go up there and get our diploma.”

Jackson’s son, Aaron Dunigan, was one of two people killed in a south suburban Chicago car crash while on his way home from prom over the weekend. The 18-year-old football quarterback died when the car he was riding in, which was driven by his friend, crossed a median and crashed into another car.

The crash also killed the driver of the other vehicle, 56-year-old Metra employee Juan Rivera, who was on his way to work at the time.

David Peden, who was driving the vehicle Dunigan and a classmate were riding in, was later charged with DUI causing death & reckless him iced with a motor vehicle.  

The third teen in Peden’s vehicle, Mike Crowter, was badly injured in the crash.

The three classmates were scheduled to graduate Wednesday and were returning from prom at the time of the crash.

Crowter was able to attend the school’s graduation ceremony, arriving in a wheel chair.

“It was prom night,” said classmate Keshawn Harrison. “Just wasn’t supposed to end like that.”

Dunigan, who was preparing to play football for Southern Illinois University in the fall, was honored and mourned at the ceremony by friends and family.

“This has to be a moment of celebration and learning,” the school’s superintendent Creg Williams said during the event. “Let their incident not be in vain. Be safe.”

“I just wish he was here so we’d all celebrate together,” said student Jasmine Bailey.

Dunigan’s mother took his place in the ceremony, walking up to the stage to accept her son’s diploma.

“All of this was divinely orchestrated by my son,” Jackson said. 

Tuesday, May 19, 2015

Warrant out for teacher who allowed his students to have sex in his class

Via WSBtvAtlanta,

A judge has issued an arrest warrant for a DeKalb County middle school teacher and coach after a mother claims he allowed students to have sex in his classroom closet. 

Channel 2’s Tom Regan spoke with the parent, who said she couldn’t believe what was happening. “I was in a state of disbelief when I read all these messages," the mother said, asking to remain anonymous. 

The mother told Regan she looked at her 14-year-old son's phone and discovered a shocking exchange of text messages last Thursday between him and Quinton Wright, a math teacher and coach at Champion Theme Middle School in Stone Mountain. "Basically he's allowing the students to have sex in a storage room of his classroom," the mother said. “He told my son you can have it from 7:30 to like 8:30,” the mother said reading some of the messages. “'Did you tell the girl what's going to happen? That she cannot tell anybody?’ basically don't tell anyone I'm allowing you to use my room.” The mother said the teacher also sent her son a calendar showing teachers' schedules and a text saying he did not have condoms. “It’s very sickening and disheartening, because we trust administrators and educators when we drop our kids off at school,” the mother said. 

The mother told Regan she pulled her eighth-grader from school Friday and contacted the school’s principal and police.  She said she also filed a complaint. 

The DeKalb County school system removed the 25-year-old teacher from the classroom. 

The student's mother told Regan she was suspicious of the teacher from earlier behavior. “He called me when the kids are at their eighth-grade prom and asked if he could come over and take pictures with the boys before the prom, and I said no,” the mother said.

Thursday, May 14, 2015

Father pushes daughter off cliff to so he wouldn't have to pay child support

"A father has been found guilty of throwing his four-year-old daughter off a cliff because he did not want to pay child support.

Cameron Brown, 53, was convicted on Wednesday, 15 years on from the incident in 2000 which saw his young child fall to her death from a cliff in Rancho Palos Verdes, California.

The child, Lauren Sarene Key, was deliberately pushed by Brown, who worked as an airport baggage handler at the time.

The court heard that Brown did not want to pay child support, which was costing him $1,000-a-month while he was locked in a bitter custody battle with the child's mother.

He was found guilty of first-degree murder after Lauren's mother fought for more than a decade for justice. 
Los Angeles Sheriff’s Detective Jeffrey Leslie, who has represented the child's mother Sarah Key-Marer since the tragic incident in 2000, said after the conviction: "I was relieved for [the mother]. "I’ve been doing this job for 16 years. I don’t believe in closure anymore. I just hope we brought justice to Lauren and her family." Brown's conviction came following a third trial of the case, with two previous juries deadlocked over his guilt.

Key-Marer hugged jurors following the conviction, and was seen telling the jury's foreman: "Thank you, thank you." She told reporters after the hearing: "Lauren was our gift from God, the best thing to ever happen to us. We just learned to live with the pain. "There are no winners here, certainly not for Cameron’s family, and not for ours." Aron Laub, who defended Brown, riled against the decision - insisting Brown did not intentionally kill his daughter.

He added: "I believe in our jury system, but I can’t believe that this was a just verdict." There have been two separate trials in the case - one in 2006, and another in 2009.

In the first, two jurors voted to convict Brown of first-degree murder, eight voting for second-degree murder and two favouring manslaughter.

After a second trial the jury found itself evenly split between second-degree murder and involuntary manslaughter.

Brown now faces a life sentence, and will appear back in court on June 19." Via DailyMirror

Saturday, May 9, 2015

Nancy Gordeuk, Founder of TNT Academy Shocked Students & Parents With Racist Comments

Nancy Gordeuk, founder and principal of TNT Academy in Lilburn, was caught on video calling the audience “so rude” for not paying attention to a speech before she made a comment that sparked a walkout at the ceremony.
Cell phone video shows Gordeuk saying:
“You people are being so rude, to not listen to this speech. It was my fault that we missed it in the program. Look who’s leaving.. all the black people.”
The crowd roared in disbelief and most people stood up, including graduates, and left the building.
People sat in the pews of the church shocked.

Mother's Day Special

This is a Mother's Day special and I had the very special pleasure of interviewing 7 extraordinary mothers as they shared with me some things about motherhood from wisdom to funny stories that I think you all will enjoy!

What does being a mother mean to you? 

At the risk of sounding a bit cliché, being a mother is one of the greatest honors God could have given to me. I'm being trusted to help train up a child and direct him to a path that will one day lead him to his destiny in Christ. When my sons were given to me, they had no preconceived notions on anything. Whatever I told them, they believed and their trust was in me. That is an honor. Because I helped raise men, the years I spent with them as they grew, allowed me the opportunity to mold some woman's husband, and I actually viewed it as such. I'm helping to raise some woman's husband, and God TRUSTED me to do it according to His Word. That's awesome! Being a mother allows you to give that really special and different kind of love. The kind of love that has no restraints and is unconditional. I LOVE THAT!

My 38-year old daughter and 28-year old son are my heart. They have established home and families of their own but we are all connected, not in an overbearing way, but in a loving way. Motherhood can also be stressful if you let it, but I am at a good place in my life and very thankful for all phases of growing up with them that I have experienced. I've learned that they must follow their dreams. My role as a mother is to let the be themselves. Being a mother, I guide, I love, I show them by example, and I listen. Being a mother is a wonderful gift.

Mother can be:
  • Someone who PRAYS for her family
  • Someone who nurtures
  • Prefers her family before herself most of the time
  • Sometimes she the (VOICE) for her children
  • Role model
  • She's the "Go Get Her Done"
  • Go to person
  • The multi-tasker
  • Up early, down late
  • Peace-maker
  • Cheerleader, Motivator, Prime Example, Transparent, Advisor
  • Can admit when she's wrong
  • Most of all she's a mother first, then friend
Being a mother means that I have been given a gift an a responsibility to guide a life and to give that life back to GOD. I means loving someone, instantaneously,   more that I love myself and knowing that you will love that person until the day you die.

Having experiences and responsibilities that include but not limited to:
  • Being blessed by God with a precious gift that will be cherish for a lifetime
  • Another wonderful new beginning in my journey through life,
  • Perhaps one of the hardest, most rewarding jobs I will ever experience
  • Comforter, Protector, teacher, trainer and disciplinarian
  • Being able to multitask
  • Being a confidant and friend
  • Have a growing family
  • Unconditional endless love
  • Being responsible for someone other than yourself
  • Generations of children
  • Caring and sharing
  • Encourager
  • Having a place of honor – Exodus 20:12

And so much more...

*Looked forward to being a grandmother, great grandmother or great great-grandmother

 *Love I have for my child is endless not only with words but with deeds.

Being a mother to me means being a lifelong teacher in every subject imaginable. Being a mother means loving and nurturing a child more than you could fathom. Being a mother means having the hardest 24/7 job with the best benefits in the world.

Being a mother is the most profound experience I've ever had because motherhood takes what comes out of you (physical birthing) and then requires that you nourish and replenish it with what's in you (values, morals, etc). It is the most challenging yet rewarding gift because it takes and gives at the same time. It means that I have been graced with a responsibility to develop, rear, support and protect something of me, yet so much bigger than me.   

What is an important lesson your children have taught you? 

That I don't have to be perfect. Making a mistake is okay, as long as I can say I'm sorry. The most important lesson though, was to remember what it was like for ME when I was that age. Being able to view in retrospect, allowed me to be more understanding in the present. I also learned it was important to be honest, real, and transparent. 

An important lesson my children have taught me, is that you have to show love unconditionally. No matter what your kids do. Also allow them to be adults and design their own lives without interfering... too much.

Not all of her children are the same, no matter if they were reared in the same home or not.  Each child has their own personality and characteristics, therefore it's the mother's role to develop her child right where they're at and not compare them one to another

My daughter has taught me not to be afraid to try new things and to keep moving forward. She has also taught me to be a better listener. She also taught me to not get too puffed up about my accomplishments and to be the best example I can be.

Pray and trust the LORD
  • Praying and training up a child to love the LORD is essential.  Learn what it meant to love unconditionally. Realize I will make mistakes, ask for forgiveness, apologize, and continue on. Patience is a virtue.  How to be responsible forgive, accept people for who they are, be silly, brave, share, put some else’s needs before my own. 
  • Enjoy them now while you can the empty nest comes much too soon.
  • Accept them for who they are not who you want them to be.
  • Stay in touch

One important lesson that my child has taught me is that everyone moves and grows at their on rate and to appreciate their growth rather than frustrate myself at where they are not. 

There are countless lessons I learn from my children daily, but if I had to choose one, I would say they have taught me the nature of God's love. My child can have a tantrum, receive a consequence, and moments later hug and kiss me like nothing happened--God's love. I can be having a challenging day and my daughter will ask me to read her a book or sit on the floor with her-- spend time. My attitude instantly changes--God's love. I find myself watching them and marveling at the nuances of their personalities, the ways they define their world with such simplicity, the ways they communicate without saying a word-- yet saying everything. They mirror God's love to me and my reflection changes. 

What's something you did you not understand being a daughter, but you learned as a mother? (Something your mother taught you that you didn't fully understand until you had your own children?) 

There's really no answer I can write for this question, due to various areas of dysfunction. What I personally came to understand was the importance of simply BEING THERE. Being there consistently in EVERY capacity. I fully understood that.

Growing up, I could not for the life of me understand why my mother was so overprotective of me.  She wanted to know whose house you were going over and was the MOTHER going to be there?  What's her phone number? She wanted to talk with her.  I found myself raising my children the very same way......
My mother taught me that people are watching you even when you don't know they are.  When you have children they are learning from you and watching you even when you don't know they are. They pick up on everything about you; good and bad.

Your duty as a mother never ends it is 24/7, there are times when you get up early and you stay up late. Breaks/naps are useful.

They mimic what you say and do, so teach good things. Don't force your child to grow up to soon allow them to enjoy childhood.

I did not understand as a daughter why my mother was so strict and mean. I realized now that I am a mother, that as a mom, you just want to protect your child from everything and everyone that can harm them. I realized that my mother was only protecting me from unnecessary hurt and pain.

My mother birthed three children, two- eleven months apart, and my brother and I are 14 months apart. Did you catch that? That meant she had two in diapers with one in training, three 'let me be me' middle schoolers demanding to be heard; three teenagers fighting for their independence, three in college awaiting care packages, and she did all of this as a single parent. Needless to say, I didn't understand much of anything that my mother did because she wasn't the typical mom. She had to get creative in her discipline, think twenty steps ahead of us, all while working full time. I can't fathom how she made it through the day without losing her mind. Until I became a mom. No matter what was going on in our lives-- the constant moving, mother daughter bouts, financial struggles-- she kept one thing constant- PRAYER! She would wake us up every morning, make us hold hands and pray. We now all live in different states, but till this day we come together on a weekly conference call to pray. My mother laid the greatest foundation for me in that she taught me how to commune with God. I am fully aware now that she endured because of it, was kept as a result of it, and transferred one of the greatest gifts to us-- an unwavering belief that God's got it!

What is the funniest moment you've had with one of your children?

I've had many funny moments with all 3 of my sons, but my youngest son always has a recurring session of "Let's Roast Dad". Any time he talks about his father's mishaps, it's extreme laughter time. My son has an uncanny way to make you laugh at yourself. It's really hard to pinpoint any one particular occasion.

My funniest moment I had with one of my children was when my son received a kitten for his birthday, and for about a year, he thought the cat was a male (Max), until one of his closest friends who raised cats, came and spent the weekend with him and told him that his cat was a female, I laughed so hard everytime I looked at the cat...After that I started calling her Maxie.

Really one of the three of my children would probably say is when their mother got a speeding ticket and the State Trooper for Jackson Mississippi had to get on his PA system and ask me to pull over.  At the time I did not realize I was going 90mph down the expressway.  I even looked at him and asked, "Are you talking to me?"  After he pulled me and two other white cars over for speeding, he told me I was leading the pack........

 My daughter has always been good at doing hair. One time I allowed her to cut mine after I'd put a sew in. The cut was uneven and she kept trying to fix it until it was just a hacked up mess.

It was in a thrift store in Georgia, my granddaughter, daughter and I were browsing around the store to see what items we might want to purchase, when I decided to try on a blouse that needed to be pulled over my head. I didn't go in a dressing room because I thought I could just slip in on over what I had on.  Well needless to say when I was trying to pull the blouse down over my head and shoulders it got stuck because to my surprise it was absolutely too small. When my daughters looked at me they immediately broke out in uncontrollable laughter.  I began to laugh as well.  We could hardly draw a decent breath or keep from bending over with tears streaming down our faces. Even though the laughter was at my expense it was a memorable Kodak moment.  Thank goodness cell phones with cameras were not as popular at that time as they are today. No one captured that pose.

The funniest moment I have had is when I walked into my child's room when she was about 10 months old and she was hanging from the top bar of a bunk bed. Although it scared me she was enjoying swinging back and forth like a little monkey.

Wow. You have to understand my personality to really get why this is funny. My children are 16 months apart. I live for the moments when they are operating from the same galaxy. That pretty much means, they nap at the same time, play pleasantly together, and give mommy limited surprises. This day the universe was on my side. I had mommy time in the morning, learning and play time went smoothly, nap time lasted over an hour, and I could feel myself breathing easy....(I need to insert a sound effect here, worthy of a foreshadowing that something dramatic was bound to happen.) We were preparing for bed. I had one in the bathtub and the other one patiently waiting her turn. I lifted my birthday suit boy out the tub and onto the changing table. As I began to apply lotion to his body, my daughter starts coughing. Between me asking if she's ok and monitoring my busybody who doesn't stay still at all, I hear a sound immerse from my daughter's throat. A familiar sound she makes when she's ingested something that contained one of her food allergies. The sound of violent puke belting from her gut. She begins running in circles puking everywhere. I know most moms would spring into action, but I'm the mom who is allergic to body fluids and would rather clean toilets than come in contact with regurgitated food particles. As I'm adjusting my mindset, I look down and my son is exchanging smiles for brown gooey goodness emerging from his bottom. Her screaming startles him and causes the room to fill with a harmonious cry with mommy standing in the middle trying to determine where my peace went. Needless to say, everyone made it bed smelling like disinfectant that night. 

What is the funniest moment you've had with your own mother? 


The funniest moment was when we went to Quick Trip. I was waiting in my car while she went in to make a purchase. I was about 3 parking spots away from the door of the store, and there were two other cars in the parking lot that resembled mine. I literally watched my mom come out of the store and get into another vehicle. (she was reading something while walking). It probably would not have been so bad, except the person was in the driver's seat of the car. When she realized what she did wrong, she quickly apologized and explained to the driver, the importance of having their car doors locked. (For real?) We both laughed.

The funniest moment I had with my mother was when I was asked out on my first date. Two gentlemen showed up at my door, one was tall, dark and handsome, and the other was tall light skinned, with sandy red hair, thick glasses, and freckles, my mother thought I was going out with the tall, dark handsome one, but it happened to be the opposite... I introduced him to her, after the introduction, she proceeded to the kitchen, and laughed as loud as she could, I'm pretty sure they could hear her laughing, because I did, so I went into the kitchen, to quell the laughter, but she was laughing so hard it made me laugh too...We had a good time with that one for a long time,
Ultimately, my date went well...To me, he wasn't ugly, just a little funny looking.

My mother is saved, sanctified, and filled with the precious Holy Ghost.  She loves to call us on our birthdays and sing the "Birthday Song" over the phone, but this particular year she was live and in person.  It was her oldest grandson's birthday and she was ready to sing the "Birthday Song".  Apparently, all this time she has put her own little personal touch to the song with a little movement and she demonstrated that to the family.  We were not ready for that and she ended it with a Zumba move, WE WERE WEAK!!!!!! - so much so we could not breathe, we were laughing so hard.

After my mother had her heart attacks, I did the cooking. She was on a restricted diet which included no fried foods. One night I cooked the family fried fish and I grilled hers. All while I was cooking she sat in her room, just off the kitchen, telling me how good the fish smelled. I made a certain number of fish plus he grilled pieces.  I left the kitchen for a minute and when I returned she had walked through the kitchen to the bathroom and was in there for a long time. I kept asking if she was alright and she'd mumble that she was. I started putting the food on the table and I noticed that one of the pieces of fried fish was gone. before I could investigate what happened, my mom comes out of the bathroom with the skeleton of the fish and a big smile. We laughed for five minutes.

It was on a Saturday afternoon. I had just finished taking my mother on some errands she had wanted to run and we had made it back to her home and I was in the kitchen putting away groceries.  All of a sudden I heard this laughter coming from her bedroom and I went to see what was so funny. She was sitting on the bed just having a good time.  I ask her what was so funny.  She said I left home without my bra!  You would have to know my mother she would never intentionally do that, but in her haste to get ready and her not feeling well she forgot to put it on and did not realize she was out in public for hours without it.  All I could do was shake my head and laugh with her.

One of the funniest moments I have had with my mother is playing hide and seek in the dark with my siblings. My mother was always known for scaring us and I remember being tickled until my stomach hurt.

My mom keeps me laughing. She is that mom that all your friends love but when you were growing up you thought--please don't embarrass me. I remember my freshmen year of college, she traveled to North Carolina for homecoming weekend. I had a suite with about 6 roomies. I can't even recall what we were discussing, but all of a sudden my mother falls out on the floor, starts rolling in a ball across the room, hysterically laughing. I'm thinking, you have got to be kidding me mom; not the first meeting-- can you at least harbor your "crazy" for the end of the weekend. I look around the room and the girls are right there with her, bellying over in laughter, like she's their newly found friend. She's always had that affect on people.

Happy Mother's Day to all the MOTHERS out there! We celebrate you every day!

Friday, May 8, 2015

Small plane crashes on Atlanta-area interstate, killing 4

(CNN): A small plane crashed on a major highway that encircles Atlanta on Friday morning, killing all four people who were aboard and severely snarling traffic, officials said.
The single-engine Piper PA-32 slammed onto I-285 just north of Atlanta after leaving nearby DeKalb-Peachtree Airport, the Federal Aviation Administration said, leaving smoldering wreckage near the concrete barrier separating eastbound and westbound lanes.

The plane clipped a tractor-trailer on the way down, the office of DeKalb County Public Safety Director William Miller said. No motorists were injured, Dekalb County fire department spokesman Capt. Eric Jackson said.

All four people aboard the plane died, Jackson said.

Images taken by WSB and police in the Atlanta-area city of Dunwoody showed smoking debris on I-285, near the concrete barrier.

All lanes in both directions were closed at the crash site, causing long traffic backups.

Dunwoody police began reporting the crash around 10 a.m. ET. 

Tuesday, May 5, 2015

College Student caught Poisoning Roommates' Food

By: Suada Kolovic 

A University of South Carolina student is facing felony charges and possible jail time after a hidden camera allegedly caught her spitting & pouring cleaning fluid into her roommates' food.

According to police, 22-year-old Hayley King can be seen in the video – recorded on February 4th – spitting and pouring Windex into multiple containers of food in the off-campus apartment she shared with two roommates. According to Columbia Police Department incident report, King’s roommates set up the camera after "multiple altercations" with the suspect caused them to fear what she was doing when they were not home. 

They tried to get King to move out because of said altercations but she refused. Police arrested King on February 9th after her roommates showed authorities the video. After reviewing the footage, police called King in for an interview, where she later confessed to the incident. She has been charged with unlawful, malicious tampering with human drug product or food – a Class C felony carrying a term of up to 20 years in prison, if convicted. She was released a day after her arrest on a $5,000 personal recognizance bond.

King is charged with unlawful, malicious tampering with human drug product or food. The report said she was charged with unlawful, malicious tampering with human drug product or food. If convicted, King would face up to 20 years in prison on the Class C felony charge.

Sunday, May 3, 2015

High school student suspended for prom dress

A high school student was suspended because her prom dress was "too revealing" and the young lady, Alexus Miller-Wigfall, and her mom are furious about it saying dress was floor-length with long-sleeves.  

According to the school's dress code, prom dresses, must cover all body parts, including "breasts, upper thighs, crotch, buttocks, etc." 

Miller-Wigfall says she was told by her school's assistant principal at prom that she needed to cover up. Three days after the dance, she was told she was suspended. 

Well Alexus, you're a very beautiful young lady and I thought you looked very lovely and appropriate. 

Friday, May 1, 2015

Freddie Gray's Death ruled a Homicide

Baltimore's State's Attorney announced today that there was no probable cause in the arrest of Freddie Gray and that charges will be filed against the six police officers in his death.

"I assured his family that no one is above the law and that I would pursue justice on their behalf," Marilyn Mosby said in a press conference. 

The charges will include:
Involuntary Manslaughter
False Imprisonment 

Gray was arrested April 12 and died a week later from his injuries. His death has prompted calls for police reform nationwide. 

For More Information on this story: